Monday, July 19, 2004


Ok, my past few weekend have been quiet, but I didn't mind. I watch alot of t.v. and stayed out of my bedroom. Usually when I am on my computer i played only games cause I used to get bored or stucked in trying to do something. I surprised myself Saturday night by doing a newsletter. The newsletter was the same as my blog and I did a watermark and everything. I was having some bit of fun. I wouldn't believe that I was writing, or typing, something that I wasn't getting stuck with as I usually do. This was  my newsletter.

Insanity is boredom related

Today, Josie slowly slipped in and out of her reality to only realise that the world that she had slip into, was worse.
Her depression, or boredom, as she calls it was brought on by having nothing to do even though she did chores around the house.
She sat home today watching television. A marathon of Bug Juice on the Disney Channel and wished she had a camp she could go to.
Besides losing her train of thought, believing that she was even thinking, Josanne decided on few list of songs that she will be choosing for her next CDs.
Being bored, Josie wrote a poem.

Where Am I

This world is leaving me
Though I haven’t left it.
Where can I be
If I don’t know myself.
A world where my future
Is approaching faster in my mind
Than in reality.
A world where I am surrounded
By many people and feel lonely.
A world where my fears
Are my only comfort,
My tears are my only joy.
"Why would I imagine this world?"
I would ask myself.
A world that I know is not my own.
Soon, my mind will leave this world,
And enter again, my sweet reality.
My sweet and sour reality
That I prefer.

Josie felt some relief after writing this poem. A thought of hers that had be weighing heavy on her mind and soul. She began again to listen to her music. I wishing that she could sing.
These are the dreams of a girl, of a young woman who had absolutely nothing to do and is unsure of how to occupy her time.
This is it for the daily, weekly, monthly issue of DeTrYmEnTaL Thoughts leaving you with this thought,
"Don’t disturb an angel that would call herself detrimental."
Like I said, I was proud that I did this much without getting stuck and bored. 
(^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

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