Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Seeing And Accepting

I wonder sometimes, not all the time, how people see me. I don’t really want an answer. Not even if it positive. It is something I just was wondering. I look at things and people around me and try to see them how they are. I know how I can be sometimes but that is me. I know that I can make myself not be a way but that will be detrimental to me. Every one have an aspect of their personality that needs changing. Some can change quickly and some might take years and discipline to change. Part of living on this earth, is accepting people for the way they are and not the way you want them to be. why do some people don't let people be themselves.


Buntifer said...

quanta of light emanating from appropriate light sources bouce of your good self and reflect randomly. A proportion of these quanta enter the eyes of the beholders through the cornea and are focussed by the lense through the vitreous humour and onto the retina. A the quanta hit the retina they stimulate chemical reactions in rods and cones aka photoreceptors in the retina. These chemical reactions send nerve impulses down the two optic nerves. These split and blend with each other at different points until they plot the visual image directly onto the visual cortex. People will then interpret these images in different ways, but that is a different story and one more suited to a lengthy psychological discussion than a blog comment.

e M I A 6 said...

I'm glad you changed the font of your blog. It's a little easier on the eyes.