Thursday, April 13, 2006

My dreams mean...

I love finding out what my dreams mean. Recently, I had this dream.
Dream One-
I was in a taxi in my area. The driver parked next to another car and left to go somewhere. I was talking to the driver in the other car because I knew him. Then I saw this guy walking with his dog towards this group of little birds. When he reach them, they started to follow him in a line. After a while, they all flew to a tree for their food which it had this big spider. All of sudden, I was in this jail place and they was putting two guys in their cell. The cell was the size of a wardrobe.
Basically that was the dream. I look up a few main things from the dream in a success dream book my mum has.
Birds - Denote success in your present undertakings.
Spider - To see one in you sleep, denotes that you will receive a sum of money in a short time.
Cell - To dream of a cell is a sign that you will experience a little inconvenience.

Now, I dreamt this a week before I was suppose to get paid and remember saying I hope the inconvenience isn't with my money. Say I dreamt that on the 27th or the 28th of March, it is now the freaking 13th of April. What the hell! I want my money.


Brea said...

HA! Well, it did say a small inconvenience, so hopefully it will be along soon!

Meadow said...

I hear you, girl. I'd want my money, too! :D

josie said...

well we got paid on the 14th. the next day was a holiday, so i took saturday to go shopping.