Thursday, January 12, 2006

Things that make life

I told one friend N on Monday or Tuesday about my eyes. I had send her a nice little email and she was concern and scared for me. She didnt press me with any worries, but just simple questions. Well, I didnt work yesterday. I made up a some-what-truth-lie about seeing blurry. The truth was that the specialist did drop something in my eye that had me seeing blurry for about 3 to 4 hours. The lie was that by the time my shift started I was seeing fine again. Say what, I catch up on some much needed sleep.

I am a person that always believes that no one misses me when I am not there. Well, people did miss me and ask about my eyes. I just say yea, they are fine. Or I just smile at whatever comment they made.

I told another friend H today about my eyes because she was fishing with too much questions. I didnt really plan to tell her, so I just give her the jest of things. Then she started with, "Aint it bothering you? It woulda bother me!" I replied, saying that I kinda made peace with it. But really and truly I didnt want to talk about it. So she asked "What you doing about it? Are you praying?" My reply was a shrug shoulder.

Again, I didnt want to talk about. I talk more this way. When I am typing, I am a blabbermouth with true feelings. In spoken voice, I just like to laugh and talk a pack of shit. So that was during break. Now, during lunch, one of our friends ask how my eyes were doing. She told her fine because she didnt want to be talking all about that. I respected that because I dont want to tell alot of people. So she start again with how she dont understand how it not bothering me. So I told her that I can not let it stop me. I can not just say that I dont want to work and be all sad. I have to move on.
In truth, I have made terms with it. I have express my fear and I will do whatever my doctor says and I will pray. But I can not just stop. I know that is not wrong. So basically at the end of our conversation, I told not to let it bother her.
This happen just Saturday. I need to adjust because this is life. Not everything in life is sweet and perfect. Things happen. Things that make life.

1 comment:

Meadow said...

I think you've got a good perspective on things.
