Sunday, January 08, 2006

My true fear

Okay, I am to share something with you guys that only my parnets know. Well I don't know if you know, but I have bad eye sight. Really bad eye sight. So today, I went to the eye doctor and I found out that I had Keratoconus.

Keratoconus is a disorder that involves a thinning and weakening of the central cornea. The normally round shape of the cornea becomes distorted. A cone-like bulge develops, resulting in significant visual impairment.

Well, from the moment I was in the office until I left, I only wanted to cry. Even before finding out before this rare thing. But now, I got to go to an eye specialist. To find how best to treat my eyes because there is a way to correct it. So I always wanted to send in a secret to PostSecret, so here it is:

"I believe that with my bad eye sight, I will go blind one day."

So, that is my biggest fear. I never said it to no one and not even myself properly. But I am scared.


Meadow said...

Bless your heart, Josie. The good news is it can be corrected! My great-grandmother had glaucoma and was blind from it. Well, let's just say you and I have the same fear. But I don't speak of it, either.

I got a good feeling about you, though. You're gonna be fine.


nikki said...

i will pray that your ailment will not worsen. keep us posted on what happens. i know you're scared, but remain positive, as you really don't know what's in store.

josie said...

thanks for the love guys. imagine i just went in to find if i can get the tint on my glasses change and they told me no i had to take an eye test. well within this well i will know the outcome. thanks again.

josie said...

thanks for the love lady and t.a. my eye doctor told me that i might have to wear contacts. so i read up on the keratoconus last night and this morning, and it mention some good things about recovery. so i know that i dont have to be scared too much. in my case, it is my left eye that has it.