Friday, January 27, 2006


I know that life is unfair but things with me isnt really unfair. It is just that some things in my life need to change. For one, my job needs to change. I am a person that likes and needs to be settle. I like to fall into a groove of doing the same things everyday with one or two days something different happening. Not where every single day some shit happens! There is always a constant change and it has me really restless and really hyper. I feel like if I can cry but I just want to relax and have fun this weekend. But I know that I will be home, doing nothing. It is sad, but very true.

Life is fair, just some moments are shit!


Meadow said...

"Life is fair, just some moments are shit!"

I agree. :)

nikki said...

life's a bitch and then you die. so you might as well find a job that makes it less bitchy.