Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Friends for you

I heard one of my friends saying today that her best friend is annoying her these days. I plainly told her that people have their moments. We all have our moments when our friends get on our nerves. That is when you and that friend just need some space. Even with that before mentioned friend of mines, I needed space from her. She is a nice person, but she has this mentality of everything going her way. These are very small things like, not opening a door, not pressing the elevator buttons and other little things that I wouldn't mention. But what I really need space for, is that girl don't stick to time. OH MY GOD. That girl forever late. I can not stand it no more. Saturday gone was the last straw. I am not going anywhere with her if it is just me and her. I don't like waiting so long. And I have a lot of patience. Once I waited from 11 o'clock to quarter to 3 for this girl. The only reason I didn't leave yet is because I went by a friend that was working on the mall.
That is friends for you, but I not waiting so long again. She said she wanted to go in town early Saturday. She said that she wanted to leave 12 noon for the latest. I ended up leaving home 2:30pm. I mean I was all happy at home but as I left the house and walked out into that hot frigging sun, I just got upset and sour. Imagine being in town, hot sun, and people bumping into you and stores closing. No lie, that day I didn't do one fart, but I was just tired.
So I am promising myself not to be waiting on her so long again. And I wouldn't.

Also with this friend, she likes to do good. Meaning, she like to play the good samaritan role. Nothing wrong with that but it comes into play at the wrong times. We leave from work a night and decided to walk to the transport station. Now, on the road it is just three of us. Me and her on one side and a strange ass man on the other. Now, all of sudden, I am hearing someone shouting "Time Please. Excuse. Time Please!". At my side, I seeing my friend slowing down to address this man concerns. I told her not to stop. Also seeing that I was wearing my jacket. I told her that man doesnot know I have a watch. But still, she stop and give him the time. After, I told her when the place looking like this, meaning all dark, lonely and scary, not to stop to answer any strange man. He over on that side, he don't need to know the time, he just playing the fool cause he see us. I was just glad that little lower down the road was a bar, cause he was following us in a way.


Meadow said...

If I had a friend who was constantly late, that would surely annoy me, too.

As for the registration, I saw a registration from you at about 7:30 pm on Monday but the cut off was 7 pm, so that's probably why your username isn't working.

josie said...

oh. okay

nikki said...


your friend has got to be more careful. being a good samaritan shouldn't mean putting yourself in danger like that.

and the late thing...i'm bad with time, too...although i'm not THAT bad. i'll have to improve on it. maybe that's a new years resolution for me.

The Humanity Critic said...

Happy Holidays!!