Saturday, March 11, 2006

Wishes, Only Wishes

As much as I say I am happy with myself and the way I am, there are still alot of things that I wish for that I can do. I admire people that can do martial arts, play a musical instrument or who can sing. I have never been in physical fight but a few verbal fights. Believe me, this quiet girl can cuss very stink if provoked. But I wish I can do some back flips and kick people. Do splits and punch. But I can not do those movie stuff. But if ever in a fight, I know I am hitting hard and hitting where it hurts. I going for everything. I love to see people make beautiful music with any kind of musical instrument. Especially the piano. I see that instrument as being elegnant and serene. And to be able to sit and be at peace and play a beautiful lullaby, just makes me pause. I wish to be that serene for just a moment.


Brea said...

Everyone has a creative community they blong to. You just have to get out and try new things. It may not be on a piano bench, but one day you will find an outlet that gives you the feeling you described.

Meadow said...

I think those are beautiful wishes to have.

童话故事 said...

weLL said weLL said !!!