Thursday, March 02, 2006


I had so many things to post about to come and sit in front of my computer, and have writer's frigging concrete block. So many things was bothering me that I can't place in words of any kind. I don't really like to just post about myself as in what I did for the day. Well not usually. I generally like to have a topic. So I am hoping with my hands typing away, a sledge-hammer will knock down that frigging wall.

So I am trying some new things for this year. Since, the glasses is gone and I am wearing contacts, I loose out my plaits and comb my hair (for the time being). Everyone was surprise with my new look. A bit too surprised but a little change is always good. So, I am also working on a new attitude though nothing is with it. I am just working on being more open with myself to people. And also to give strange guys a chance. I hope you know what I mean. Not to judge them too quick.

Anyhoo, I can't wait to get paid. I already have things that I want to buy. Here is my lovely list:

  1. A cute work shoe
  2. Some music cds
  3. Some Hair accessories
  4. A work pants and 2 shirts. The tighter kind. The more relaxing kind.
  5. Jeans and 2 new tops and underwear
And of course, I got to save at least $400 and pay a bill, so that first before any spending. Now that was really my wish list because after I did that, I realise I forgot my printer needed fixing and I needed some computer programs and probably memory.

Well, for all the type I had type, that sledge-hammer did not one thing. So I will need to get some dynomite. Boom!!!!!

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