Tuesday, October 03, 2006


My mental health these days I will say is at a low. I am not depressed really but I am just blah. That is my feeling, I just feel blah. I here, but not really, becausemy mind is wishing and dreaming of somewhere better. But where we dream of, does it really exist? Can we make it exist?

It has been a while since I write anything true from my heart. I am allowing mysellf to be lost in a worl not of peace. I wish to make some changes but I am unsure how to go about it. I don't know what step to take towards education, career and love. I don't know how to trust; how to give my heart to someone; how to look and find love.
What am I to do with all these doubts with me? I am lost without a map of world of that is forever changing.

1 comment:

Meadow said...

I think there is a wisdom to being able to let go and just let things be. But sometimes we have to try to make things happen. Ultimately, it's about balance, knowing when to do what.