Saturday, April 16, 2005


Oh, I don't know where I am again these days. I am just observing everything again and not partaking. I like to just listen at times but I don't want to left behind. So as I am getting older, I am taking on my responsibilities. I handle my stories and don't ask for much. I use to tell people that if I ask for something is because I really need it. If I want something badly, I will get it for myself or do without because it is not important. I like to observe people. Me ain't no stalker so don't get twisted. I watch how some people interact will certain people, their personality and character. Off the bat of just seeing someone, I know if I even want to small talk to be their friends.

I will continue later!

1 comment:

Tunks said...

Saying u're a stalker would be admitting to being one myself :p

It's amazing tho how often we make life the movie screen, and ourselves the only person sitting in the cinima... jus watching, observing.