Tuesday, August 15, 2006

,Lone time no see

Lonely feelings in my heart,
Searching for a love
That is not near.
Soft smiles, dull eyes,
Weak mumblings from my lips.
Fingertips that feels nothing,
But a heart feels only pain.

I just wanted to sharre that. I wrote it a day in work but I didn't really finish it. These days, I have found a zone for while I am on work. I think it is working for the moment. My birthday is around the corner. I will be 22 on the 22nd of August. This is the first time that I actually feel the age that I am going to turn. Could be that I am getting older? Who knows and who really cares. I will be working that day but the next day, I will be on vacation, I am working towards that happiness.

I wanted to ask myself some deep questions the other day, but like always I forgot what I was doing. However, I know one thing. I still have a "thing" on this guy on work. I thought it have left me by now, but it hasn't. My friend almost hinted something to him. Why? I don't fucking know, but I don't think he pick up on it.

I am in a somewhat good place mentally. Well a good enough place as I can be. Another I have realise about me is that I have alot of regrets. I got them all in a box in the corner of my mind. I got alot of cobwebs on them, but I want to disturb them. Someday, I will be able to open them and throw each one of my regrets, but that day isn't tomorrow. In time, it will be done.

1 comment:

Meadow said...

You are deep girlfriend. I hope you have an outstanding birthday.