Saturday, January 29, 2005


Why are we a certain way? Why do we wish to do something different if we get the chance and then still do the same shit. Well everyone may not be like this, but some of us are. I can be like that sometimes, but I am a work in progress. We all have many regrets which can be a burden if we do not know how to put it behind us. Some things just like to come back to hunt us and it is very sad. I wonder if i get the chance to change something from my past, if I would? I really cannot answer that question unless it depends on a certain situation. We all learn from our regrets and humilating moments. It has made us the way we are and all we can do is feel proud, if we can feel proud.

Just a simple thought.

1 comment:

J said...

That's what makes life interesting yet difficult. Once you chose a path, you can't go back. It's a one way journey. Keep the faith.