Friday, April 20, 2007

Lovely Poem Time

My smile is a lock.

Why be fooled with my smile?
I will smile with you,
Just not to be rude to you.
But don't think I am fooled.
I know you are being rude to me.
Why be fooled with my smile?
Look past my subtle reactions,
And deep into my thoughts.
You will see the reason
Why I smile so sweetly.
You didn't cause me any pain.
To be specific, any heartbreak pain.
Only showed me alot of disrespect.
But my smile is used as a lock.
For my thoughts and words can slice
Deeper than any sword can reach.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Wow, poem


Why do you insist on
Being a whirlwind in my life.
Why must everything
Throw crazy about,
And then fall anywhere.
Why not be a strong breeze,
That why you know
Where things land,
And what was done.
But, no, you insist on being
This big, fricking whirlwind.
Well I hope you know,
The damage that was done
To my lonely fragile heart.

Just have to say it

Some people are just fucking cunts. Enough said.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Just Breathing Update

These days, well, weeks, I have been a bit sad. Not the weeping and crying all the time sad, but nonetheless, sad. I have felt a small depression deep within me for some things but, I am trying to make myself believe it is all in my head. I don't know if anyone has notice me but, I don't care if they do.
I have been sad but also happy. Right now, I am very hungry. And my thoughts patterns can not hold while my belly is screaming at me. I will continue later.